May 31, 2007

Mehriban Aliyeva attends the cornerstone laying ceremony of a building for Khabad-Or-Avner educational center for Jewish children in Abilov settlement

On May 31 Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva, President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO and ISESCO, MP, attended the cornerstone laying ceremony of a building for the 600-seat educational center in Abilov settlement of Khatai district for Jewish children living in Azerbaijan.


Residents, reps of Jewish community, employees of Israeli Embassy to Azerbaijan warmly welcomed the First Lady of Azerbaijan.


Architect Elbey Gasymzade provided information to Mrs Aliyeva on the design of Khabad-Or-Avner Educational Center. 1,5 hectares have been allotted on the coast of Caspian Sea for construction of this center. The center will have 30-class education building, a kindergarten, 3-floor dormitory complex where pupils coming from other regions will reside as well. Diner, gyms, grounds, subject cabinets, computer rooms will be supplied with modern devices. The center will have a separate heat system. Jewish history and culture center, library will be organized at the center that will function as the center of education and culture. Mainly local workforce and building materials will be used in construction of the center, which is to be completed this year.


Questions of the First Lady of Azerbaijan concerning the project were responded.


Mrs Mehriban Aliyeva threw the cylinder, symbolizing that the cornerstone of the building was laid, into the foundation, laid the first mix of concrete. 


President of CIS Jewish Communities Federation Lev Levayev also laid a mix of concrete in the foundation.


Warmly greeting the Jews gathered there the President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation congratulated them on the start of construction of such a modern center, expressed confidence the center will become an attractive educational and cultural establishment for Jews living in and visiting Baku. 


Jewish countrymen said they feel like full right citizens in Azerbaijan, noting there is no religious and national discrimination in the country where the tolerance that has no analog worldwide exists. They congratulated Mehriban Aliyeva for being presented a few days ago with the Golden Heart Award for large-scale charity actions, wished her greater success in her very valuable public activity.


Reps of the Jewish community were photographed with the First Lady of Azerbaijan.