January 31, 2012

Presentation of the books by well-known Russian historian and publicist Rudolf Ivanov took place at Hilton Baku Hotel in Baku with the support of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation

Presentation of the books by well-known Russian historian and publicist Rudolf Ivanov took place at Hilton Baku Hotel in Baku with the support of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, January 31. Mr. Ivanov is the author of the books about Hussein khan Nakhchyvanski and Jamshid Nakhchyvanski. In 2009, according to the decree of President Ilham Aliyev, Rudolf Ivanov was awarded the Order of “Dostlug” (Friendship) for his contribution to the development of Azerbaijani-Russian relations.

New books “Azerbaijan’s realities, Russian advent and Persian motives. The essays of Azerbaijan`s history of the 19th century” and “Kelbeli khan Nakhchyvanski. His epoch and heritage. The historical essays” were presented in the event. The preface to the first book was written by writer, publicist, MP Elmira Akhundova and to the second one by Rector of Nakhchyvan State University, MP Isa Habibbayli.

9 historical essays in “Azerbaijan’s realities, Russian advent and Persian motives. The essays of Azerbaijan`s history of the 19th century” narrate on military stories in Caucasus, provide historical facts of migration of Armenians from Iran to the territory of Azerbaijan.

Book “Kelbeli khan Nakhchyvanski. His epoch and heritage. The historical essays” talks of life and activity of Kelbeli khan Nakhchyvanski, the founder of the legendary Azerbaijani dynasty of the Nakhchivansky khans, also contains historical information on the migration of Armenians from Iran to the Azerbaijani lands on the basis of Turkmenchay Treaty.

R.Ivanov used the materials of the Russian Archive of the Russian Federation, Russian State Archive of the Ancient Acts, Russian State Military and Historical Archive and other sources.